Brisqi’s roadmap for next couple of months

3 min readJan 12, 2021

Update (March 1, 2021)

macOS App

As some of you have already have noticed, I was able to get a Macbook and therefore was able to release a macOS app beginning of last month. The app is signed using proper developer certificates and is notarized by Apple.

Android/iOS app

I’m working on the mobile app everyday, it’s taking more time than I had expected. I initially though it would be quicker to develop since the functionality would be similar to desktop app, but a lot of work still needs to be done on the backend side. I want to release it as soon as possible as it’s something I want for myself as well. I’m unable to give a hard deadline at this time but I’m trying to get it out within this month. I’ll keep you guys updated here.

Just as a sneak peek, you can see the two screenshots of the app below. The app UI will look similar to the desktop app. This is intentional so that it’s easier to transition from desktop app to mobile app and vice-versa. Please note that the released app may look different as I’m implementing changes every day.

Brisqi is an offline-first personal Kanban app and I created it because there aren’t many offline-first productivity apps out there and because I needed it for myself.

I’m sure you guys are wondering what does the future look like for this app or whether its worth investing in it or not. I totally understand that and let me tell you, this app is here to stay and will be here until the end of the internet.

Without further ado, let me share the roadmap for the next couple of months.

Mobile app

I’ve started working on the designs for the mobile version already. Initially, I’ll be working on the Android version of the app and if everything goes according to the plan, I’ll release it by the end of the next month.

Regarding iOS app, I need to get my hands on a MacBook, its an expensive machine but I’m trying to procure one. I’ll release an iOS app as soon as I get the MacBook and same goes for the macOS version of the desktop app. I’ll be using cross-platform framework called React Native to develop these mobile apps so it shouldn’t take much time to release iOS version after getting the MacBook.

Desktop app features

I will work on following features once I’m done with the mobile app:

  • Due date for cards.
  • Pining Boards feature for quick access.
  • Search board by Label/tag.
  • Context Menu for cards containing options such as Edit/Copy/Delete etc.

Please feel free to provide any feedback/suggestions and if you find any issues, I’d appreciate it if you could report it here —

Thank you.

Thank you for using Brisqi, it makes me really happy to know that users like you find Brisqi useful. If you have any questions, you can reach me on Twitter or by email at

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Originally published at on January 12, 2021.




Creator of, indie developer, tech enthusiast, adventurer, traveller, and loves hiking and snowboarding.